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Social media advertising offers businesses the opportunity to reach their target audience effectively, increase brand awareness and build customer relationships. It can also help companies to gain valuable insights into their target audiences and improve the quality of their products or services. Soma advertising is an important part of a modern marketing strategy.

Soma advertising for business as a service

Increase your visibility and engage your customers with social media advertising

Purjemedia brings out the best of your company on social media, while strengthening relationships with your customers through unique and memorable campaigns. Our approach to social advertising is personalised: we carefully analyse your business needs and target audience expectations, using the latest technologies and our knowledge of digital marketing trends. Our aim is to create content that resonates with your target audience and highlights the uniqueness of your business. What sets sailing media apart is its ability to go beyond traditional marketing strategies, creating campaigns that not only grab attention, but also inspire and engage. Our team is focused on delivering results, ensuring that every euro spent on social advertising is an investment in the future of your business.

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Our service steps

Step 1


The customer can contact Purjemedia either by phone, email or through the form on this page.

Step 2

Choice of services

Together with the Purjemedia team, the customer selects the services that are most suitable for their business.

Step 3


The Purjemedia team implements the plan with a focus on quality and keeps the client updated on the progress of the plan.

The final stage


Once the work is completed, Purjemedia will inform the customer and agree on the delivery of the work and further instructions, depending on the service.

Why choose social media advertising?

The power of soma advertising

The global reach of social media offers businesses an unprecedented opportunity to reach and engage consumers. More than 3.6 billion people use social media globally, and this figure is expected to grow to more than 4.4 billion by 2025. In Finland, the use of social media is very high, with around 3.5 million Finns being active users. This covers a significant part of the population and offers companies a unique opportunity to reach a wide audience. Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn in particular are among the most popular platforms that allow businesses to advertise in a targeted and visually appealing way.

Statistics show that 54% of social media users use platforms to research products, highlighting the importance of social advertising in consumers’ purchasing decisions. Video and storytelling content is growing in popularity, and companies that take advantage of these forms of content can improve engagement and brand visibility. The precise targeting, personalisation and real-time measurement offered by soma advertising allow you to maximise the effectiveness of your advertising and enable businesses to build lasting customer relationships.

Improved brand awareness

Soma advertising is a very effective way to increase the visibility and awareness of your brand. An active presence on social media helps you reach a wider audience and build your brand among potential customers.

Measurement and productivity monitoring

The results of social media advertising are easy to measure and track. You can monitor the performance of your campaigns in real time and get detailed insights into how your investments are performing. This will help optimise your strategies and returns.

Customer interaction and involvement

Soma advertising offers a unique opportunity to interact with customers in real time. It allows you to answer customer questions, have conversations and gather valuable feedback.

Targeted audience outreach

Social media platforms provide deep insights into user demographics, interests and behaviour, enabling highly targeted advertising campaigns.

Around 3.5 million Finns use social media.
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74% of marketers believe that targeted personalisation increases customer interaction.
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54% of social media users use platforms to research products.
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71% of consumers are more likely to have made a purchase decision based on social media recommendations.
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Corporate social media advertising refers to the process of using social media platforms and online communities to market and advertise products or services. This form of marketing uses social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and others to create interaction, build customer relationships and increase brand awareness. There are several essential elements to soma advertising:

  • Content Sharing: this is one of the cornerstones of social media marketing. It involves sharing targeted, relevant and engaging content, which can be in the form of text, images, videos or infographics. The content aims to attract and engage the audience, which creates the basis for increasing brand awareness and driving traffic to the website.

  • Interaction and Community Building: social media platforms offer a unique opportunity for direct interaction with customers and the public. This interaction can take the form of responding to comments, starting discussions and gathering feedback. Building a community on social media helps build loyal followers and customers.

  • Advertising: Social media platforms also offer targeted advertising opportunities to reach audiences with specific demographics, interests or behaviours. Advertising can be organic or paid, and can be designed to support specific marketing campaigns or raise brand awareness.

  • Analytics and Measurement: social media platforms have tools to track and analyse the performance of campaigns, such as the number of likes, shares, comments and traffic. This helps to understand which strategies are working and where there is room for improvement.

  • Telling your brand’s personality and story: social media is an excellent channel to showcase your brand’s personality and story. This can be done through creative campaigns, communication of brand values and customer stories.

Social media marketing is a versatile and flexible approach that suits a wide range of businesses and organisations. It can not only increase visibility and awareness, but also create meaningful relationships with customers and audiences.

Soma advertising is mostly content-based “free” advertising. You can find out more about paid advertising on Soma here.

The main social media platforms for businesses vary depending on their industry, target audience and marketing objectives. However, certain platforms are generally essential for most businesses to strengthen their marketing and customer relationships. These platforms include:

  • Facebook and Facebook advertising for business: one of the largest social media platforms in the world, Facebook is ideal for building brand awareness, targeted advertising and audience engagement. Its versatile features, such as pages, groups and ads, make it a powerful tool for many businesses.

  • Instagram and Instagram advertising for business : A visually focused platform that is particularly suited to the lifestyle, fashion, food, travel and art industries. Instagram features such as Stories, IGTV and Reels offer a variety of ways to showcase products and services and interact with your followers.

  • LinkedIn and LinkedIn advertising for business: very popular for professionals and B2B companies, LinkedIn is key for networking, sharing expertise and building relationships that support business. It is also a powerful recruitment tool and a platform to strengthen the brand’s professional standing.

  • X and X advertising for business: a fast-paced platform that is ideal for sharing topical content, customer service and engaging in direct dialogue with your audience. X is also a good tool for monitoring trends and contributing to discussions in real time.

  • YouTube and YouTube advertising for business: The world’s largest video sharing site, ideal for product tutorials, customer stories, training materials and telling your brand story through video.

  • Pinterest and Pinterest advertising for business: a visual search and inspiration platform that is particularly popular in the areas of fashion, interior design, cooking and DIY projects. Pinterest can drive significant amounts of traffic to websites and is a powerful tool for showcasing products and ideas.

  • TikTok and TikTok advertising for business: a fast-growing platform focused on short, entertaining videos. TikTok is particularly popular with younger audiences and offers unique opportunities for creative content and the exploitation of trends.

When choosing the right platforms for your company’s social media strategy, it is important to consider where your target audience spends their time and what kind of content would resonate best with them. The choice of platforms should also be based on the company’s resources and ability to produce content suitable for the platform on a regular basis.

You can also read more about social media advertising here.

There are several effective ways for businesses to use influencer marketing on social media. Influencer marketing means working with social media influencers who have built a significant following and credibility in a particular field or topic. Here are some key ways in which businesses can benefit from this strategy:

  • Increasing brand awareness: influencers can showcase products or services to their followers, increasing brand visibility and awareness. Because influencers have already built trust and authority with their audiences, their recommendations can be very effective.

  • Reaching a targeted audience: influencers often focus on specific topics, such as fashion, technology, tourism or food, which means they have a highly targeted audience. Businesses can use this targeting to reach the consumer groups most likely to be interested in their products or services.

  • Creating Authentic Content: influencers often create unique and personal content that resonates with their followers. Working with influencers can produce authentic and natural content that speaks to the audience and strengthens the brand image.

  • Boosting campaigns: influencer marketing can be used as part of wider marketing campaigns. For example, in the context of a product launch or a specific marketing campaign, influencers can help spread the word faster and more effectively.

  • Direct Selling Channels: on some platforms, such as Instagram, influencers can use purchase links or mention products directly in their posts, allowing direct sales to their followers.

  • Increasing credibility and trustworthiness: working with well-known and respected influencers can increase your company’s credibility. When an influencer, known for their expertise in a particular field, recommends a product, it can have a significant impact on brand image.

  • Getting feedback and insights: influencers can provide valuable feedback and insights on products or services. Their interaction with their followers also allows companies to better understand the preferences and expectations of their target audience.

In influencer marketing, it is important to choose the right influencers that fit your brand and values. The cooperation should be genuine and transparent, and should bring mutual value to both the influencer and the company. It is also important to set clear targets and indicators for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of cooperation.

Setting a company’s social media budget is a multi-step process that depends on a number of factors. These factors include marketing objectives, the size and behaviour of the target audience, the intensity of competition, the cost of advertising, testing and optimisation.

First, it’s important to understand what you want to achieve with social media advertising. This can range from raising brand awareness to increasing sales or collecting leads. Once the objectives are clear, a budget can be planned to achieve them.

At the same time, it is essential to analyse the target audience and their behaviour on social media. This helps to target your budget effectively and ensure that your advertising reaches the right people at the right time.

The intensity of competition on the selected platforms also influences the budget. In a highly competitive market, advertising may require a larger budget, while in a less competitive market the budget may be smaller.

The cost of advertising varies between platforms and types of advertising. It is important to take these costs into account when planning the budget and to ensure that the budget is sufficient for the advertising needs.

In addition, the possibility to test different approaches before increasing or changing the budget is important. Testing and optimisation will help to find the best possible strategies and ensure efficient use of the budget.

Overall, setting a company’s social media budget requires careful planning and constant monitoring. Flexibility and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances are key to ensuring effective social media advertising.

There are many ways to measure the effectiveness of soma advertising, but the most important metrics include click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, website traffic, sales and ROI (Return on Investment). These metrics provide valuable insights into how advertising works and how it affects a company’s business.

The click-through rate (CTR) is the ratio of clicks received by an ad screen to impressions. A high CTR shows that the ad is appealing to the target audience and generates interest.

The conversion rate measures the proportion of users who see an ad and perform the desired action, such as buying a product or filling in a form. A high conversion rate indicates the effectiveness of the ad.

Site traffic tells you how many visitors an advertisement brings to a company’s website. Quality traffic can improve your site’s search visibility and engagement.

Sales are one of the key indicators that directly reflect the impact of advertising on a company’s performance. Monitor how many sales an advertising campaign generates and how much of these sales can be traced back to the origin of the ad.

ROI is a calculation of how much money an advertising campaign generates compared to the budget spent on it. A positive ROI shows that the advertising campaign is profitable.

The analytics tools provided by social media platforms allow you to monitor these metrics in real time. By analysing this data and making the necessary adjustments to campaigns, such as modifying target groups, testing different advertising messages or adjusting the budget, the performance of advertising campaigns can be optimised to achieve the best possible results. Continuous monitoring and reacting to the information provided by analytics is key to maximising the effectiveness of social advertising.

Soma advertising offers companies a unique opportunity to build brand awareness, engage their target audience and improve conversions. It allows companies to reach a large number of people in a targeted way, receive real-time feedback and accurately monitor the effectiveness of their campaigns. In addition, social media advertising is cost-effective, offering small and medium-sized businesses the opportunity to compete with larger brands.

Content creation in social media marketing is very important and often crucial to a successful social media strategy. Social advertising is content-driven and its dynamics are based on the dissemination of interesting, engaging and shareable content. The importance of content in social advertising can be summarised in the following main points:

  • Engaging the audience: good content attracts and engages the audience. It can encourage comments, likes and shares, which increases interaction and visibility.

  • Building brand awareness: content is a powerful way to showcase and reinforce your brand. Through consistent and coherent content, a company can build and maintain a positive brand image and differentiate itself from competitors.

  • Driving traffic: quality content can drive traffic to a company’s website. This can lead to higher conversion rates, such as sales, registrations or enquiries.

  • Building expertise and trust: by sharing expert information and useful tips, companies can build trust with their target audience. Being seen as an expert in your field can boost credibility and customer loyalty.

  • Targeted Communication: social media content offers the possibility to target communication precisely to different audiences, making marketing more effective.

  • Leveraging market trends: through social media, companies can quickly tap into market trends and current topics, which can improve brand relevance and timeliness.

  • Dialogue and Community Building: content enables businesses to create and maintain a dialogue with their customers and build communities around their brand.

As social media platforms are constantly changing and competition for attention is fierce, it is important that content is not only of high quality and brand support, but also consistently aligned with the company’s marketing strategy. The content should be designed to resonate with the target audience and support the business objectives.

At the heart of social media marketing is effective content creation, which is essential for businesses to succeed in the digital landscape. Social media platforms thrive on content – the fuel that drives interaction, engagement and ultimately business growth. In this context, the role of content can be summarised in a few key points that define its meaning.

Well-designed and executed social media advertising engages and activates the public. It provides a platform for interaction, such as commenting, liking and sharing, which increases brand visibility and accessibility. This is essential for the dynamics of social advertising, as engaged audiences not only consume content passively, but actively participate in its distribution, thus extending the reach of the brand.

Content is a powerful tool for building brand awareness. Continuous and consistent content production allows a company to showcase its brand identity, values and offerings. This process allows companies to differentiate themselves from their competitors, create a positive brand image and strengthen their position in the market.

High quality content is key to driving traffic to your company’s website. When social media content is designed to attract your target audience, it can direct them to your company’s website where conversion – whether it’s a sale, sign-up or enquiry – is more likely. This not only increases website traffic, but also improves the chances of generating leads and increasing sales.

It also allows companies to build their expertise and trust among their target audience. Sharing information and valuable tips reinforces the perception of the company as an expert in its field, which in turn increases credibility and customer loyalty.

Soma marketing content should be targeted and strategic. It offers the possibility to communicate directly to different target groups, making marketing more efficient and effective. In addition, social media offers a unique opportunity to capitalise on market trends and current topics, which can enhance the relevance and timeliness of a brand.

Defining your target audience is an essential part of your marketing strategy, often based on a thorough analysis of both your current customers and your potential market. This analysis can include a wide range of data, such as demographic information (e.g. age, gender, education level, income level), interests, behaviour and other relevant factors.

Social media platforms provide marketers with powerful tools to target audiences with great precision. These platforms allow marketers to select by age group, gender, geographic location or even a specific interest, for example. In addition, marketers can use users’ past behaviour, such as their previous interactions with ads or their behaviour towards a particular brand, to target ads more effectively.

By using the tools provided by social media platforms, marketers can create tailored advertising campaigns that speak directly to their target audience. This can lead to better engagement, higher conversion rates and more efficient use of marketing resources.

However, it is important to note that data protection and ethical considerations are central to such marketing strategies. Marketers must ensure that they comply with relevant laws and regulations and respect the privacy and consent of users. It is also important to avoid stereotypes and discriminatory practices when targeting advertising to different audiences.

The optimal duration of soma advertising campaigns depends on a number of factors, such as the objectives of the campaign, the budget, the behaviour of the target audience and the marketing strategy in general. A general recommendation is to start with a shorter campaign, for example 1-2 weeks, and analyse the results carefully. This allows marketers to gain valuable insights into campaign performance and user reactions.

Short-term campaigns offer the opportunity to test different promotional materials, target groups and communication strategies with a relatively lower investment. By analysing these short campaigns, marketers can then make the necessary adjustments and optimisations before committing to a longer-term campaign.

Longer-term campaigns can be particularly useful for building brand awareness and building long-term relationships with the target audience. They allow for deeper engagement and for the message to take root in the minds of the audience over time. In these campaigns, repetition and consistency are key.

On the other hand, shorter, intensive campaigns can be particularly effective for promotional purposes, such as product launches or campaigns that take advantage of limited offers or time-limited benefits. In these situations, the short duration of the campaign can increase the sense of urgency and encourage rapid action.

It is important that marketers carefully monitor campaign performance and react to results as necessary. Flexibility and adaptability are key to the success of social media advertising, and marketers should be ready to adapt the campaign as needed during the campaign.

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